The opening of the project is timed to coincide with the performance of Kirill Serebrennikov's play "Who Lives Well in Rus'". The project "#orus" is a composition of two short stories about the search for happiness, truth, free and cheerful life. The exhibition features works by Sergei Gorshkov, as well as Nizhny Novgorod artist Vladimir Mizinov (1946–2018) from the collection of the founders of 9B Gallery Elena Talyanskaya and Georgy Smirnov. Being a professional athlete, at the age of forty, Vladimir was injured and, by pure chance, became interested in painting. The heroes of Mizinov's paintings, written in the aesthetics of naive art, are urban and rural people. These are men who love baths, beer, girls and, oddly enough, cats. Exhibitions of his works were successfully held in Kostroma, Moscow, Pskov, Yekaterinburg, Bratislava and Cannes. Mizinov's works are in the collections of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, the Museum of Naive Art, in private collections of Russian and foreign collectors.

Installations by the artist Sergei Ivanovich Gorshkov "Self-Assembly Tablecloth" The Gogol Center provided a new gallery space for its theater. As the curator notes: "Gorshkov is a special master in serving Rabelaisian banquet tables bursting with vegetables and fruits, hams and sausages, batteries of bottles."
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